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fdneurotech 价格更新
更新时间:2024-04-08      阅读:137

FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.是一家专注于中枢神经系统形态学研究的生物技术公司。我公司自1996年成立以来,为国内外联邦实验室、科研院所、制药公司和生物技术公司提供产品和服务。作为神经组织学、神经组织病理学及免疫组织化学领域的专家

fdneurotechPB1010.1 M Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.41L619.68
fdneurotechPB20120% sucrose (in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4)1L901.92
fdneurotechPC101FD Section Storage Solution™250 ml1084.96
fdneurotechPC102FD Tissue Cryoprotection Solution™250 ml1075.68
fdneurotechPC103FD Tissue Storage Solution™250 ml1342.56
fdneurotechPCS101Control Sections for FD NeuroSilver™ Kiteach159.04
fdneurotechPCS102-1Control sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit (paraffin)each347.04
fdneurotechPCS102-2Control sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit (frozen)each365.44
fdneurotechPF101Phosphate-Buffered 4% Paraformaldehyde1 L1048.32
fdneurotechPF102EmbryoFix™20 ml83.68
fdneurotechPF103Phosphate-Buffered 4% Paraformaldehyde with picric acid1 L1404.96
fdneurotechPK101FD Apop™ Kitkit10558.56
fdneurotechPK201FD NeuroApap™ Kitkit12312.64
fdneurotechPK301FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (for 300 sections)kit11830.4
fdneurotechPK301AFD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (for 150 sections)kit10134.72
fdneurotechPK401FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (large)kit11985.12
fdneurotechPK401AFD Rapid GolgiStain Kit™ (small)kit9183.36
fdneurotechPK401-CFD Rapid GolgiStain™ kit - Solution C250 ml2331.04
fdneurotechPK501FD Rapid MultiStain™ Kitkit8787.68
fdneurotechPK701FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kitkit10704.48
fdneurotechPO101Gelatin-coated microscope slides (75 x 25 mm)100 slides2341.76
fdneurotechPO102Proteinase-resistant microscope slides100 slides2341.76
fdneurotechPO103Superfrost® Plus microscope slidesbox (72 slides)729.92
fdneurotechPO104Gold Seal Rite-On® frosted slidesbox (72 slides)552.32
fdneurotechPO105Gelatin-coated microscope slides (75 x 50 mm)100 slides4567.84
fdneurotechPO201100-place microscope slide box (for 75 x 25 mm slides)each271.04
fdneurotechPO20225-place microscope slide box (for 75 x 25 mm slides)each157.44
fdneurotechPO203100-place microscope slide box (for 75 x 50 mm slides)each1104.32
fdneurotechPO301Section incubation plate with 6 insertseach1289.28
fdneurotechPO302Section incubation plate with 12 insertseach2080.8
fdneurotechPO303Section incubation tray (black or white)each66.56
fdneurotechPO304Section incubation carrier kit for 6 wellseach810.08
fdneurotechPO305Section incubation carrier kit for 12 wellseach810.08
fdneurotechPO501Fine natural hair brush for mounting sectionseach256.32
fdneurotechPS101-1FD Thionin Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml1753.76
fdneurotechPS101-2FD Thionin Solution™ (double strength)500 ml2133.76
fdneurotechPS102-1FD Cresyl Violet Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml2079.52
fdneurotechPS102-2FD Cresyl Violet Solution™ (double strength)500 ml2809.76
fdneurotechPS103-1FD Eosin Y Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml1397.12
fdneurotechPS103-2FD Eosin Y Solution™ (double strength)500 ml1976
fdneurotechPS104-1FD Hematoxylin Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml2403.36
fdneurotechPS104-2FD Hematoxylin Solution™ (double strength)500 ml3184
fdneurotechPS105-1FD Methyl Green Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml1980.64
fdneurotechPS105-2FD Methyl Green Solution™ (double strength)500 ml2664.48
fdneurotechPS106-1FD Neutral Red Solution™ (regular strength)500 ml2124.64
fdneurotechPS106-2FD Neutral Red Solution™ (double strength)500 ml2844.48
fdneurotechPS108FD Congo Red Solution™500 ml2984.96
fdneurotechPS109FD Luxol Fast Blue Solution™500 ml3171.2


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